International Ideas Contest to encourage the preservation of natural resources.

1st Place
- Yuli Andrea Gallo Corona
- Camila Gómez Currea
- Luis Alfredo Rincón B.
- Álvaro Davila de Soto
Like blocks that fall and rotate (TETRIS), expanding and leaving spaces between them, it is the concept that shapes the most exclusive tourist housing prototype in Holbox.
A clean and transparent geometry with ups and downs in the skyline at the foot of the beach, the Beach Hostel Unit is shown as a landmark in the landscape that appears elegant and subtle, with timeless architecture, which aims to be permanently installed as a lodging of high demand for young travelers from all over the world.
The prototype is made up of a House of elements stacked on 3 levels, which frame the views of the sea with complete thresholds. Its configuration is maximized in the adaptability of the spaces. It has the ability to be configured as a hostel, Airbnb and complete family unit, it has private spaces with terraces and sun lounges and shared services.

1st Mention
- María Leticia Marinelli
- Valeria Garbocci Martin
- Galeano Ramiro Lamotta

2nd Mention
Cabo San Lucas, MÉXICO
- José Bernardo Tavizón R.
- Gloria Stephanie Durán R.
- María Ninfa Esparza Z.

3rd Mention
Ixtapaluca, MÉXICO
- Joel Rodríguez Hilario
- María Fernanda Serna E.

3rd Mention
San Salvador, EL SALVADOR
- Santiago Marcos Caprio
- Lenín Mijail Álvarez
- Pedro Jorde Rueda
- José Isaías Camuendo
Find out more about past contests and the solutions provided by our contestants.